Health Savings Accounts

How Does a Health Savings Account (HSA) Work?

2023-04-17T12:49:06-04:00June 15th, 2017|2017, Health Savings Accounts|

Consumer Driven Health Plans (CDHP) with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are health plans with a tax-favored savings account created for the purpose of paying medical expenses. An HSA works in conjunction with high deductible health insurance. Your HSA dollars [...]

IRS Sets 2016 Health Savings Account Contribution Limits

2023-04-17T12:42:46-04:00May 20th, 2015|2015, Health Savings Accounts|

Last week, the IRS set the 2016 Health Savings Account contribution limits. While we don't usually associate the IRS with good news, they announced that they are raising the maximum allowable contribution to a family HSA account by $100 [...]