Employee Wellness Programs

Stay Healthy at Work: A Guide to Nutrition and Exercise During Flu Season

2025-01-31T18:04:28-05:00December 12th, 2024|2024, Employee Wellness Programs|

The Hidden Cost of Flu Season to Your Business Every year, flu season takes a significant toll on workplace productivity. According to the CDC, U.S. employees miss approximately 17 million workdays due to flu-related illnesses annually, resulting in an [...]

Aging Workforce in Physical Industries: Health Challenges and Solutions for NARFA Member Businesses

2025-01-31T18:04:30-05:00October 14th, 2024|2024, Employee Wellness Programs|

The American workforce is aging rapidly, particularly in industries with physical demands. This demographic shift presents unique challenges and opportunities for businesses in the automotive, roads, fuel, fleet, and related sectors. Let's explore the implications and solutions for companies [...]

The Convenience of Telehealth: Is it Right for You?

2025-01-31T18:04:39-05:00February 6th, 2024|2024, Employee Wellness Programs, Health Care, Wellness|

Remember struggling for appointments, battling traffic, and waiting in stuffy exam rooms? Telehealth, the magic of healthcare delivered virtually, is changing the game! What is Telehealth? Imagine connecting with your doctor through a secure video call or chat instead [...]

Getting Your Company Safety Policies to Work: Tips & Tricks for Employee Safety Training Success

2025-01-31T18:05:16-05:00October 4th, 2023|2023, Employee Wellness Programs, Safety Tips|

Imagine you’ve developed a series of company safety policies and programs, but as a small business owner, you aren’t certain how to communicate them to your employees. This is a huge stumbling block for many organizations—and it can hinder [...]

Direct and Indirect Costs of Workplace Injury

2025-01-31T18:05:19-05:00August 29th, 2023|2023, Employee Wellness Programs|

Workplace Injury Costs When workplace injuries occur, it’s easy to see the immediate and direct costs, but there are a multitude of ongoing and indirect costs that should also be taken into account. Indirect costs can be three to [...]

How to Create an Effective Company Safety Committee

2025-01-31T18:05:22-05:00July 18th, 2023|2023, Employee Wellness Programs, Safety Tips|

Creating a culture of safety within a workplace begins and ends with the implementation of a quality company safety committee. Businesses both large and small utilize these committees to communicate company safety policies, reinforce company safety protocol, and educate [...]

The Rise of Self-Insured Health Plans in the Trucking Industry

2025-01-31T18:05:24-05:00June 1st, 2023|Benefits Administration, Employee Benefits, Employee Wellness Programs|

The trucking industry faces unique challenges when it comes to health insurance. With a highly mobile workforce operating in an environment of rising healthcare costs, traditional insurance models can often fall short. Enter self-insured health plans—a solution that's gaining [...]

Do You Need an Annual Checkup? Here is Some Advice About Visiting Your Doctor

2025-01-31T18:05:27-05:00February 20th, 2023|2023, Employee Benefits, Employee Wellness Programs, Health Care, Wellness|

Do you need an annual checkup? From blood work to a complete physical exam, many patients want the works. But, what’s really necessary each year? A group of physicians has some surprising – and practical — advice. Instead of [...]

5 Tips to Meet OSHA Requirements for Employee Injury or Illness

2025-01-31T18:06:07-05:00October 14th, 2022|2022, Employee Wellness Programs, Safety Tips|

Every year, nearly five million workers experience an occupational injury or illness on the job, and it is an employer’s responsibility in these cases to meet OSHA requirements. More than half of these injuries and illnesses are severe enough [...]